徐文俊 Wen-Chun Hsu 電話:08-7663800轉32643 Email | Kenny.hsu0118@gmail.com |
現職 |
國立屏東大學新媒體創意應用碩士學位學程副教授 |
國立臺南大學數位學習科技系博士 |
專長 |
互動科技藝術創作、虛擬實境與擴增實境應用開發、3D電腦動畫與視覺設計、數位學習、無人機群飛表演設計 |
經歷 |
國立屏東大學新媒體創意應用碩士學位學程副教授(2024/08-) 國立屏東大學新媒體創意應用碩士學位學程助理教授(2022/08-2024/07) |
作品展演 |
2020 澳門漢字互動節科技藝術展-作品「心在哪裡 愛在那裡」 |
專業經歷 |
2022 中華民國基礎造型學會-第十屆理事 |
指導學生獲獎 |
(1)德國紅點品牌與傳達設計大獎(Red Dot Award: Winner) (2)第十七屆螺絲起子國際學生短片創作影展大專動畫組銀螺絲獎(銀獎) (3)入選加拿大Spark Animation Festival 2021與 T-Short Animated Film Online Festival兩項國際影展 (4)第十六屆K.T.科藝獎佳作
(1)青春設計節互動科技與遊戲設計類金獎 (2)新一代設計展數位多媒體設計類金點新秀設計獎 (3)入圍德國Red Dot Concept Design
(1)全國技專校院學生實務專題製作競賽動漫互動多媒體群第二名 (2)放視大賞行動遊戲創作類銅獎 (3)第六屆全國孕龍盃、崧騰盃遊戲與遊戲機創意設計比賽]最佳創意獎
(1)第二屆Unity Awards全球大賽大中華賽區原創組最佳校園作品銀獎 (2)第五屆全國好馬盃遊戲與遊戲機創意設計比賽行動平台遊戲組第一名 |
專案計畫 |
2021教育部110年大學社會責任補助計畫(USR)「文化底蘊的在地創生與傳播-府城VS月津」-擔任協同計畫主持人 |
學術著作 |
Chung-Jen Chen, Shu-Mei Chang, Chia-Hui Feng, Ya-Hsueh Lee, Wen-Chun Hsu, Chen-I Huang(2021, March)。Brand Positioning Visualization System. 2021 9th International Conference on Information and Education Technology.,Okayama, Japan。Added to IEEE Xplore Digital Library(indexed by EI). MOST:109-2221-E-218-018-MY3
Liang-Chi Shen, Ting-Ting Wu, Wen-Chun Hsu (2019, Dec). The Application of Augmented Reality to the Education of Chemistry – Take the Course of Nature Science in Junior High School as an Example. ICITL 2019 : International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Tromsø, Norway. MOST107-2511-H-224-004-MY3.
Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Wen-Chun Hsu*, Yu-Chun Ma, Meng-Chun Tsai,Chang-You Chen (2018, Nov). Development and Research of an Affective Learning System Combined with Motion-Sensing Interaction, Augmented Reality, and Mid-Air Projection. Journal of Internet Technology, 19(6), 1951-1960. (SCI).
Wen-Chun Hsu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin*, Yu-Hsuan Lin (2017, May). The Research of Applying Mobile Virtual Reality to Martial Arts Learning System with Flipped Classroom. 2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation , Sapporo, Japan. Added to IEEE Xplore Digital Library.( indexed by EI).
Wen-Chun Hsu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin* (2016, Sep). Impact of Applying WebGL Technology to Develop an Web Digital Game-based Learning System for Computer Programming Course in Flipped Classroom. The Fifth International Conference on Educational Innovation through Technology, Tainan, Taiwan.
Wen-Chun Hsu*, Ju-Ling Shih (2016, Jul). Applying Augmented Reality to a Mobile-Assisted Learning System for Martial Arts using Kinect Motion Capture. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 14(3), 91-106. (EI).
Wen-Chun Hsu*, Ju-Ling Shih (2016, Feb). Applying Kinect Device and Laban Movement Analysis Theory to digital analysis of the relationship between movements and emotions. International Symposium on Social Sciences and Management , Fukuoka, Japan.
Wen-Chun Hsu*, Yu-Jen Hsu, Ju-Ling Shih (2013, Apr). The Studying of Driving Posture and Driver Fatigue Through Virtual Reality Car Driving Simulation Based on Motion Capture System. The 2013 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology , Kitakyushu, Japan.
Wen-Chun Hsu*, Yung-Cheng Lin, Ju-Ling Shih (2012, Nov). Applying Kinesthetic Real-time Interactive Technology to Develop a Martial Arts Learning System. The 2012 International Conference on Computer in Education, Singapore. |